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The Latinamerican Process Safety Council gets support from CCPS. The president of the CCPS, Shakeel Khadri, gave his support to the creation of the Consejo de Seguridad de Procesos and verbally committed to backup the activities of the institution in the region to spread the publications, practices and knowledge developed by the CCPS through all these years.  "We are not going to reinvent the wheel" were the words used by the maximum authority of the CCPS to state the intention of agreement that will go through a formalization process.


Ignacio Alonso is nominated as emeritus member of the CCPS . During the Technical Steering Committee meeting of the CCPS the executive director of the CSP was elected as emeritus member of this international organization by a plenary that had representatives from more than 120 member companies. The CSP founder and director was recognized by his commitment to Process Safety and his continuous support to the projects and activities of this organization.



Base for a collaborative agreement with the Chemical Safety Board. During the 12th CCPS Global Congress our executive director held a meeting with Vanessa Sutherland, chair of the CSB in the United States. In that meeting they establish the principles of a collaborative agreement in which the CSP will help with the translation and edition of the reports, the communications and the audiovisual materials published by the CSB for the Spanish speaking population. In retribution the CSP expects to provide access to their affiliates to the processed material and permission from the CSB to spread the learnings throughout the latinoamerican region.



CCPS Global Congress of Process Safety. From April 10th to14th was held in Houston the Global Congress of Process Safety of the Center for Chemical Process Safety CCPS with presentations and forums from global experts. The Council was represented by its executive director, Ignacio Alonso, who developed the paper: "Integrating Process Safety into the company's management system"




The Latinamerican Council for Process Safety is founded. In an casual meeting held at El Retiro mall in Bogota, Colombia, the professionals Ignacio Alonso, Ricardo Sarmiento and Michael Broadribb elaborated the minutes to create the Proces safety Council with the mission of integrating the knowledge to grow the discipline in the goal to reduce de accidents that the chemical and hydrocarbon industries are facing in Latinamerica.

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